EU regulation (5/9) EU2023/1542 comes into force on 17 August 2023 AElectric vehicle batteries, electric scooters and other light vehicle (LMT) batteries and rechargeable industrial batteries with a capacity of more than 2kWh.From August 2025, battery suppliers in the EU market must comply with due diligence requirements, including the verification of the source of the battery, and third-party verification.From 2027, 3C products must be designed so that consumers can easily remove and replace portable batteries without the need for professional tools. [D waste battery recycling target, including portable batteries: 45 in 2023, 63 in 2027 and 73 in 2030; light vehicle batteries: 51% in 208 and 61% in 2031.][E] target proportion of waste battery recycling materials, in 2027 lithium is 50%, cobalt, nickel, copper, lead is 90%, lithium should reach 80%, nickel, copper, lead reach 95%.Eight years after the entry into force of the regulations, the minimum proportion of recycled materials for new batteries should be at least 16%, lead 85, lithium 6%, Jin 6%, and the proportion of recycled materials should be at least 26, lead 85%, lithium 12%, Jin 15%.
雲端-碳管理平台 產品類別:服務整合 產品編號:ESG2301 產品說明: 標準版 1.碳足跡測算:提供計算碳足跡的工具,包括直接和間接排放(如供應鏈排放)。 2.數據追踪和監控:收集與碳排放相關的數據,包括能源使用、交通、生產等。 3.報告和分析:產出相關報告,幫助使用者了解碳足跡構成和變化趨勢。 4.供應鏈透明度:追溯供應鏈中的碳排放,了解產品或服務的全生命周期碳足跡。 5.符合法規和認證支援:提供遵守碳排放法規和標準的工具,協助取得相關認證。 進階版/客製化 1. 目標設定和管理:允許用戶制定減排目標,追踪進度。 2. 可適用分公司或多工廠:也可分公司或多工廠進行活動數据匯入與維護。 3. 上傳相關憑証或佐證:提供活動數据上傳相關憑証或佐證碳盤查附件資料, 以便未來查歷史資料或快速稽核用 4.可視化工具:通過表、形和儀表板等方式,直觀理解和分析碳足跡數據。 5.整合能力:可客製化串接原來的ERP系統,可節省許多收集資料及登打的人力、 時間、成本 6.報告書:自動生成完整的碳盤查報告書(進階版二) Rent ESG software version ESG碳管理平台使用教學影片.mp4